Welcome to the New Year! I hope 2017 is off to a great start for you!
Hi all, I'm participating in the Weekend Warriors Snippet Sunday. This month, I'll be taking snippets from my winter romance, Sunrise Over Brasov. You can find the Weekend Warriors Snippet Sunday list at:

About this snippet: Michael and Rosa debate.
Hi all, I'm participating in the Weekend Warriors Snippet Sunday. This month, I'll be taking snippets from my winter romance, Sunrise Over Brasov. You can find the Weekend Warriors Snippet Sunday list at:

About this snippet: Michael and Rosa debate.
Her head snapped toward his direction. Mother? Of course she had a mother -- a family,
even -- only she had no recollection of them. So why did her body fill with warmth at the mention of her mother by a man she hadn't seen before, but was hauntingly familiar? She pursed
her lips, torn by conflicting emotions.
"Caroline and Darius can't keep this up. Now get dressed or I'll dress you myself."
"You'll find me an unwilling subject."
He drew in a deep breath and raked a hand through his thick ebony hair, "You are exasperating."
"So I've been told."
"By who?" His eyes narrowed.
"You'll find me an unwilling subject."
He drew in a deep breath and raked a hand through his thick ebony hair, "You are exasperating."
"So I've been told."
"By who?" His eyes narrowed.
Rosa Getzi lives a life of intrigue at Poiana Brasov with Clement, a werewolf, and Cassandra, the witch. Her past doesn't matter to her – until she discovers what it holds.
Prince Michael Sigmaringen joins his sister-in-law, Caroline, and the vampire prince, Darius, in a daring rescue, igniting Rosa's desire to find her family. However, all is not as it appears. Rickard, Rosa's friend, escapes with her. Clement will go to any lengths to get Rosa and Rickard back.
At Darius' fortress, Michael soon discovers Rickard is a new breed of werewolf – one who can control the change, and Clement hopes to exploit Rickard's abilities.
Michael's courage, strengths, and convictions will be tested like never before. Can Michael and Rosa find true happiness and the rid the lupine haunting of the Sigmaringens once and for all?
AMAZON: http://a.co/2VxAtko
BARNES & NOBLE:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moldavian-moon-book-three-stephanie-burkhart/1116009842?ean=2940148123552
BARNES & NOBLE:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moldavian-moon-book-three-stephanie-burkhart/1116009842?ean=2940148123552
DESERT BREEZE PUBLISHING:http://www.desertbreezepublishing.com/moldavian-moon-book-three-sunrise-over-brasov-epub/
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18216663-sunrise-over-brasov?ac=1&from_search=true
IBOOKS: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/sunrise-over-brasov/id977673303?mt=11
5 Stars, Liz Gavin, Amazon Reviewer: "The plot is engaging and fast-paced, packed-full of action that will take your breath away."
5 Stars, Reader's Favorites Reviews. "You will love this paranormal romantic novel."
4.5 Stars, Poppy, Long and Short Reviews
Much different from any historical or paranormal book I’ve read, Sunrise Over Brasov was both exciting and terribly romantic.
3.5 Stars, Mimi Smith, In'D Tales Magaine, FEB 2014: "The overall story is engrossing,"
4 Flowers, It's Raining Books: "Ms. Burkhart has woven an interesting and unusual historical tale of suspense and romance here. "
Wonder why he cares that someone else called her exasperating once upon a time? Interesting snippet...
ReplyDeleteLots of information packed into this small peek. I'm curious. Tell me more, Stephanie!
ReplyDeleteHm, he sounds a little jealous. I wonder why?
ReplyDeleteI love the large number of mysteries you've hinted at in this snippet.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, by who? and why is she uncooperative? What has happened to her memories? So many questions!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be very cooperative without an explanation, either. His concern over her knowing she's been called difficult is pretty suspicious. He must be hiding something...
ReplyDeleteGreat dialogue!
ReplyDeleteWhat is he hiding? Good snippet, Stephanie. :-)
ReplyDeleteExcellent dialogue, Stephanie. I agree that he sounds a touch jealous. And who would know her intimately enough to consider her exasperating?
ReplyDeleteExcellent dialogue, Stephanie. I agree that he sounds a touch jealous. And who would know her intimately enough to consider her exasperating?
ReplyDeleteGood question! Nice hook ending.