Hi all, I'm participating in the Weekend Warriors Snippet Sunday. This month, I'll be taking snippets from my 99 cent sweet/sensual paranormal romance, "Night of Magic."

Night of Magic
Paranormal Romance
BLURB: Finn has a vision.
This snippet:
Just as Finn blew out the candle, loud rhythmic drumming filled the air
and the bright light of a high fire cascaded through the window. A shiver
shot down Finn's spine, and an uneasy feeling twisted around his nerves.
The smoke from the candle drifted past his nose. An odd, sweet scent
overtook him and Finn swooned. Reaching out, he grabbed the table,
securing his balance. The vision of a woman appeared before him – sweet
curves, long, luscious red-gold hair and moss green eyes. Around her neck
was a Celtic cross on a gold chain. She peered at him intently, studying
him, and then slowly, she smiled, revealing a small dimple in her cheek.
AMAZON: http://amzn.com/B00D2XP4R6
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