Friday, October 12, 2012

Hanging with the Avocados & the Boys

This last week, on 5 OCT 2012, the boys and I had an opportunity to go to the California Avocado Festival held in Carpinteria, just south of Santa Barbara.

I have to admit the festival wasn't as big as the Strawberry festival I go to in May, but it was fun. What I liked the most about the festival was that it was totally low-key and I love low-key.

The festival started in 1987. Yikes! I'd been the Army for a year when it started! There were several booths selling the green gem. For me, it's about the guacamole. The boys and I got a dish of chips and guac, and I just loved how fresh it was.

Andrew and his guac

Lunch for me was carne asada tacos w/gauc. Andrew had fish and chips and gauc. Joe had chicken fingers and French fries. There was a jumper for the boys and I got Andrew a poster for his room.

The festival is big into recycling. Brent and I heard a group called "Sean Wiggins and Lone Goat," and we really enjoy them. Their music reminded me of a young Melissa Etheridge. We got two of their CD's "The Kitchen Sink" and "Naked Thursday." I loved their cover of Johnny's Cash's "Folsom Prison" song.

Hope to see you next year at the festival. Hehe

We made it!

Hanging out with Joe and the Avocados!

Joe looking for the avocados!

Bio: Stephanie Burkhart was born and raised in Manchester, NH. She joined the U.S. Army in 1986 and spent 7 years stationed in Germany. In 1997, she left the service and settled in California with her husband. Currently she works for LAPD as a 911 Dispatcher. She loves exploring her new state with her boys.


  1. Anna loves advocados!

  2. Awww... that's awesome. I was looking for postcards, but they didn't sell any. :( The official website has some cool gaucamole receipes if you want to try to prepare some with her.


  3. Enjoyed your post, Steph although I must admit to not being a huge avocado fan!


    1. Angela,
      I'm not a big avocado fan, but I'll eat gauc - especially if there is BACON in it. LOL!!

  4. Sounds like a lot of fun, and avocados are delish.

    1. Janice, I love a good gaucamole. At they have a lot of good receipes for gauc.


  5. Enjoyed the post.
    I love a good gaucamole, too. :)

    1. If you've got a good gauc receipe to share, I'm game!

  6. Steph--you and Joe are so cute!!!! And that guacamole looks great. I make very good guacamole. When my grandsons come, they say, Grandmother, make you guacamole. Dad doesn't know how. Oooooh, that doesn't go over very well.
    Thank you, Michelle, for giving me the link....I owe you. I never want to miss a photo of Joe...he's my love.

    1. Awww.... Celia, that's so sweet. If you've got a receipe, share! *wink* I have no doubt Andrew would love your gauc - Joe just wrinkles his nose at the stuff. I have hope for Joe though. We just got him eating hot dogs.


  7. Steph,
    I love how Brent and the boys all had on the same color shirt. I know many parents do that to help keep track of their brood. I love low-key festivals too. I'm going to two different ones in Nov. - one very low key and the other, a bit larger. I'll be sure and give you a full report!

    1. Maggie! Yes, I want a report. I love festivals and since I can't get out like I used to, I love reading about your adventures.


  8. I love fresh avacados sliced on tomatoes and lettuce sandwiches instead of using bacon--heathier ya know. Nothing like fresh quacamole. It's so easy to make and I love the little chunks of tomato in there. Good stuff. There are no avacado festivals here in NC...just peach and watermelon mostly. Loved the pictures. Looks like your family had lots of fun. Enjoyed your blog.

    1. Sarah, thanks for popping in. I think Andrew would love a peach festival, Joe would love the watermelon. I haven't made gauc in a while but I think there's a receipe on the site with a bacon, onion, tomato receipe that I'm itching to make.


  9. My husband and I spent three months in Oxnard and loved it. We used to drive by the avocado groves on our way to Santa Barbara. I was afraid by now the groves would have been replaced by expensive homes. Where we live in TX there is a Peach Festival in July. Our weather is scorching then, and the festival has become huge. I don't go any longer. I'd enjoy a low key festival, though. Thanks for sharing. Loved the post.
