Sunday, July 21, 2024

Health Topic - Staying Cool in the Heat

It’s been a busy couple of weeks. I’ve been working long hours at work and picking up some overtime shifts.  I haven’t had a chance to work on some of my topics such as Alaska and self publishing, but I hope to work on them soon.  With the weather getting hot, I’d thought I’d tackle a health topic today – Keeping cool.

I personally stay cool by using my AC. Mind you, my electric bill is no joke so hench, I must work overtime to help pay for that bill. {e:smile} Sigh…. We all have our techniques – swamp coolers, fans, spending the day at the beach or the lake. Ah, but what are the benefits? Why stay cool? 

Wearing a hat to stay cool. 


I think when we get too hot, the heat illnesses are prone to occur. They range from heat cramps to heat exhaustion. Heat cramps occur when your muscles spasms after working out in the heat.  Some say it is caused by an electrolyte imbalance caused by the heat, others say the heat causes the muscles to lose their ability to contract.  Heat exhaustion’s symptoms include exhaustion, excessive sweating, cramps, headaches and nausea.


One of the big things you can do to help avoid heat cramps and exhaustion – drink water. You don’t want to get dehydrated. When you get dehydrated, you feel lighthearted, may faint, your urine turns bright yellow and get headaches.   I’ve been there a couple of times. It’s not fun. 


Ways to keep cool in the heat? 


#1 Drink water. Help your body out – you can spray yourself with water using a mist bottle or what I would do when hiking, I would get out a bandana, get it wet, and keep it wrapped around my neck. 


Drinking water is one of the biggest things you can do to help maintain your body temperature. 


#2 Wear cooler clothing like cottons and light colors.  


#3 take cooler showers with lukewarm water. 


#4 eat snacks instead of meals – salads, watermelons, and fruits. 


#5 stay in the shade as much as you can. 

#6 - wear a hat 


Did you know? Journey of the Heart had 3 different covers? Journey of the Heart has been re-released with its 2nd cover.  Find it on Amazon!

Can James help Rachel save her winery? 

"The story is short enough to be enjoyed in one sitting whether you are at the beach or on your easy chair enjoying a glass of wine, making believe it is the Santori Chardonnay. In short, this is another happy, heart-warming tale of love from the experienced pen of Stephanie Burkhart." - 5 Stars, Joy Cagil, Goodread Review.



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