Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lilacs and Mother's Day 2014 #flowers #mothersday

Growing up as a young girl in New Hampshire in the 1970's, one of my fondest memories is visiting my Granny in May, early June. Why? She had the most beautiful and vibrant lilac bushes. They were purple and white and smelled like heaven to my young nose.

Whenever Mother's Day approaches, I always think of flowers and my Granny's lilacs. Giving flowers is a simple, heartfelt gesture that displays love, affection, and kindness. Those are all the traits I hope I embody as a mother.

Even though I live in California now, I have a lilac bush in my flower garden. It blooms early, usually in March and usually ever other year. And like lilacs, the blossoms only last about 4 weeks. The blooms tend to be on the small side (being California and all) Not as full and vibrant as they were in New Hampshire, but I hope my boys remember my favorite flower is a lilac and getting flowers on Mother's Day is one of the best gifts I could get. The next best gift is simply spending time with the boys. They really do keep me young. Heck, yesterday night we watched Wonder Woman Season 1 from 1975 and had a blast! Being a mom is exhausting work. It's all about the boys, but it's also very rewarding – so to all the mothers out there  have a great day!
Me and my boys
Enjoy these fun filled lilac facts:

Lilacs belong to the Olive (Oleaceae) family
Lilacs are native to the Balkan Peninsula
Lilacs were introduced to America in the 1700's
The lilac is the state flower of New Hampshire

Question for you: What's your favorite flower?  Why?

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