Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My favorite books for 2015

Goodreads sent me a link for my 2015 year in review. It's really rather neat, so I thought I'd share my books with you.

Shortest book I read this year:

Longest Book I read this year:

Most Popular Book on GoodReads that I read:

Highest Rated Book I read on GoodReads:

Most Enjoyable read: 

Books and stories I Released This Year:

Question: What was some of your favorite books this year? 


  1. That is fun! I would love for them to send me my year in review! :)

  2. Melissa, they should have sent you a "year in review" email. I'd check. Maybe your spam?

    I really enjoyed reading mine. I had a lot of Stephanie Plum books, as I'm trying to work my way through them.

