Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! 2012 Resolutions

Well, 2011 has come and gone and its time to start a New Year with a fresh face.

Did you make any resolutions for 2011? You know, I hate to say it, but I don't think I did. I tend to set goals. Goals seem obtainable to me. Resolutions imply a firm commitment to your personal objective and I always feel like a loser when I come up short.

What makes people talk about resolutions at the beginning of the New Year? I think for the most part, people are in a reflective mood when one year ends and another begins. We naturally look to the past, evaluate where we are in life and set new resolutions/commitments/goals for the future.

I can't honestly say how long New Years resolutions have been going on. My Internet research suggests the Romans began the tradition in 153 BC when they established "Janus" the god of beginnings and the guardian of doors and entrance at the start of their calendar. Janus became a symbol of resolutions for the Romans. They looked for forgiveness from their enemies and exchanged gifts. The gifts were simple, branches or coins with Janus' face on them.

Nowadays, for those making resolutions, the motivation behind them is self-improvement. These can include: weight loss, eat better, exercise more, quit smoking, reduce stress, take a trip, volunteer to help others, and there are many more.

This year I intend to commit to weight loss. I don't want to say "I resolve" because I'm afraid I'll fail, but I'll call it a goal. This goal is going to take patience, planning, and time. Losing weight doesn't come easy or quickly. I've also noticed it’s a wee bit harder over 40 as well, but I want to be healthy, especially for the boys so losing about 30-40 pounds is a goal I want to achieve.

I'm kindling the fire of the plan as I write. I'm joining the weight loss challenge at work, heading back to weight watchers, and planning meals as well as exercise time.

Okay, I'm pooped thinking about it. This is going to take a serious commitment on my part. Yikes. Sounds a like resolution to me.

Mind you, I have good intentions. In fact, my husband's along for the ride and I've got the boys to cheer me on, but I know it's not going to be easy.

Do you make resolutions? Why or why not? Share thoughts for success, or if resolutions and goal setting isn't your thing, share your thoughts and reflections for 2012.

Inspiration flows from the exchange of ideas.


  1. Like you, Steph, I feel like a failure with Resolutions. Three years ago, I started a new tradition. Now, I give Christmas Gifts to Myself. It sounds like something fun. It sounds like something I really want. And for two years, I haven't broken a single one. I haven't been as successful as I'd hoped, perhaps, but not one was abandoned. I'm looking forward to this year's gifts as well. Happy New Year!

  2. Laurel, what an interesting idea with the Christmas cards. Thanks for sharing that. I think we all have good intentions, but when we don't get our results "fast" enough we get frustrated and that frustration can do us in. Happy New Year!


  3. No resolutions for me but wishes.
    --Wish to write 3 book
    --wish to read two books per week
    --wish to write a review for every book I read
    --wish to accept myself as I am--
    --wish to learn to control my eating
    --wish to stop worrying about the whole world and every person I know...

  4. I am goign to try to lose a little of this excess poundage too. I started today by drinking a full bottle of water BEFORE I drank any Diet Coke. I'm addicted to my soda, I know this. But I'm not a coffee or tea person. So I will add more water and eat a little less. I have a lot on my plate since I am now single again. Lord it's been 40 years as part of a whole made up of 2 now I'm 1/2 of that whole. I will make it I'm going to focus on the writing and moving out of my sister's house.

  5. Great post, Steph.
    Good luck with the plan.

  6. I view NY resolutions as an admission of failure on the year that's just flown by, so I ignore them! But I know I must eat less and exercise more as the weight just creeps on day by day with all this sitting around writing. Started well- went for an hour's walk this morning and was rewarded with bright sunshine!

  7. I liked the part about the Roman's asking forgiveness from their enemies. That would be a good thing for the entire world!

  8. Winter is a hard time for resolutions about weight loss and exercise. I mean, who really wants to go out and run in three feet of snow? At least that's my story... :-)

    I resisted resolution for years because most of the thing I'd like to improve about myself are hardwired into me. Those are the hardest things of all to nudge. I posted my resolutions on my blog, and hopefully the public forum will help me keep them.

  9. I have never been one for resolutions. But I stive to be a better person each year and I try to do a few more good deeds...

    I try to read one more book than I did the previous year. But I know trying to loose weight or having less stress in my life is nearly impoossible for me to keep, so I stopped trying to make those kinds of resolutions..

  10. Oh brother, I don't do resolutions. They're broken before the ink is dry. I do, however, focus on intentions and how I can improve my spirituality and my interactions with others.

  11. Mona, thanks for sharing your wishes with us. I think I can incorporate a few into my 2012 as well.

    Kathy, I hear carbonation will kill you, even if diet has no calories and is zero points. I'm cutting down on that as well. I'd love to see you write more, Sweetie. ((hugs))

    Jenny, I'm off to a good start. Went to Weight Watchers and faced the scale. It was ugly, but a good place to start.

    Jen, awesome to hear about your walk. A little activity is a great way to get the blood pumping and start the new year off on a healthy note.

    Celia, Amen, Sweetie.

    Keena, I'll pop on over in a few to check out your resolutions. What I like about Weight Watchers is that you need to go every week and be accountable to the scale. Keeps you honest. Sounds like you've got the same idea w/posting your resolutions. Though I have to agree - running in 3 feet of snow is not appealing.

    Kathleen, I hear you. Resolutions aren't for everyone. Lord knows I tried, but I need to stick to this one this year.

    Sarah, I love your intentions. Very heartfelt. It's something we all could strive for.

    Smiles to all and I hope your new year is off to a great start!

