Author Mona Risk

Hi all, I just want to welcome Author Mona Risk to the blog. I've read several of Mona's stories, including her latest, Prescription in Russian. I absolutely LOVED this heartwarming story. It's a true testiment to the healing power of love. Mona's here to share her memories of mother's day and talk about her novel.
Mother’s Day will be different and sad without my mother who left us last September. Still it’s a time to celebrate the special attentions all mothers receive on that day. I always smile with a happy feeling when I open my grandchildren’s cards or arrange in a vase my children’s flowers.
I will never forget my mother’s squeal after she read the last page of my first manuscript and came to me with open-arms saying: Bravo, I’m proud of you.
Two of my books Rx FOR TRUST and RX IN RUSSIAN have a mother among the characters. For this special secondary character I borrowed the expressions and reactions of both my mother and mother-in-law, two strong women who never shied of talking their minds and taking action to help others. They both made a difference in their communities.
With a pinch in my heart, I recall our conversations and the stories they told me. I treasure the compliments they gave me, and wish I paid more attention to the advice, orders or critiques they showered me with when we didn’t agreed. Willy-nilly I am walking in their shoes now when I try to advise my daughter on how to raise her kids, cook my recipes or dress the right way—my way.
Mona's Mom

The mothers in my books are a tribute of love to both my mother and my mother-in-law who unfortunately never had a chance to read these two books.
Rx FOR TRUST was dedicated to Mom and I made sure she was able to read the dedication:
This book is dedicated to my mother who has been a mentor, a friend and a shining example of
courage and perseverance.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, here are the blurb and an excerpt—an exchange between the hero and his meddling mother—from my recent release, Rx IN RUSSIAN, about .
A Blurb from my latest book, Rx IN RUSSIAN
Fyodor Vassilov is a Russian widower, surgeon and officer. Duty demands he provide a mother to his four little boys and marry a woman who loves children and a big family.

Jillian Burton is an American pediatrician on a mission to improve medical conditions in Belarus.
She blames herself and her ex-husband for their son’s death, and has lost her illusions about men and marriage.
When they work together for six months in his hospital, their fascination with one another shocks them both. Can attraction and love overcome guilt, duty, and a clash of cultures?
“Mona Risk writes heroes with heart, heroines with spunk in stories and settings that are simply unforgettable!" -- Roxanne St. Claire, Killer Curves, NY Bestseller.
“Risk's writing is crisp and easy to read, engaging the reader on the first page. What makes "Prescription in Russian" shine is the rich characterization… The story is sophisticated for romance readers and the love scene is tasteful, evoking a rich, sensual chemistry that Jillian and Fyodor share. Prescription in Russian is a lush, international contemporary romance you can't put down.”--Stephanie Burkhart
Fyodor, make up your mind.”
“About what?”
“Which one do you prefer? Sofia or Jillian? They are both pretty, educated, and kind. Which one do you want to marry?”
He exhaled his exasperation. “Mama, I can’t choose a wife the way I decide between a blue shirt and a green one.”
“I understand. But you can’t continue to procrastinate. The children need a mother.”
“I know, but right now, they have a wonderful babushka.” He bent and kissed her forehead. “Give me time, Mama.”
“You have had plenty of time so far. We have visited Sofia and her mother twice. Soon I will have to reciprocate the invitation. The girl adores you. She loves children and wants a big family. She’s been very caring toward the boys.”
Fyodor couldn’t help rolling his eyes. Sofia had made it obvious enough she wanted to marry him, and she’d overwhelmed his sons with attention, compliments, and advice. His independent Andrei had already declared he didn’t like to be cuddled like a baby.
“I’m not sure Sofia is the right one for me or the kids.”
“I see.” She gave him a long look and sighed. “It’s the American doctor you like. She is a foreigner but a good woman. I like her too.”
“Mama, please, don’t—”
“Do something for God’s love.”
Easier said than done. His body throbbed from the passion of their kiss, but how could he ignore Jillian’s subsequent stiffness and withdrawal? After two months at Solidarity Hospital, she was still an enigma. “She will be leaving in four months.” A simple answer that didn’t explain the real problem but should stop this frustrating conversation with his mother.
“So what?” Mama’s narrowed eyes should have warned him. “Tell her you are interested. Tell her you want to get married. You met Elena and married her in two months.”
Nothing would distract his mother from her favorite goal: to see him married. Not even the painful memories.
A grumble escaped him. As if anyone could ever compare his helpless and fragile Elena to the independent, self-sufficient American doctor who traveled the world on her own.
BABIES IN THE BARGAIN winner of 2009 Best Romance Novel at Preditors & Editors and winner of 2009 Best Contemporary Romance at Readers Favorite.
Rx FOR TRUST, winner of 2010 Best Contemporary Romance at Readers Favorite and 2011 EPICON.
Rx IN RUSSIAN just released by TWRP.
Mona’s books are all available at